are 5 Wellness Wednesday Tips to give you some simple ways to improve your
health and start living your life to the fullest without chronically dieting.
1. Chew
Your Food. Sounds pretty basic and should go without saying BUT we
all forget, and I am right there with you. We are so used to chewing feverishly
or not chewing at all because we are so busy and want to get to either the next
bite or our next task. Chewing is one of the first steps of digestion
(thinking, smelling and salivating are the ones that come before that) and is a
crucial step most of us miss. Have you ever eaten so fast you have a stomach
ache? Could be because you swallowed too much air but could also be due to the
fact that you did not give your body a chance to digest the food and it’s
working overtime to do so. Slowing down and chewing will help you realize
sooner when you are full. Start counting how many times you chew per bite today
to see if you chew at all! Slow down, enjoy your food and heck even put
your utensils down between bites, make my day!
2. Sit
Down to Eat. Another one that should go without saying, but how many of
us eat in the car, standing up, at our desk but on our computer, in front of
the TV with a plate on our lap? I could go on, but you get the point. We are so
out of touch with food and meal times that we eat out of habit, mindlessly and
in a hurry. I urge you to sit down to eat and not in front of a TV or computer
but at a table or surface and really enjoy your food. You will most likely feel
more satisfied after the meal and won’t be as tempted to go grab something else
to keep you company on the couch. Leave the couch cuddles for pets and humans,
not chips and ice cream.
3. Drink
water and enough of it. How many times do
you reach the end of the day only to realize you never drank a sip of water?
Many of us get by with coffee, food and sugar sweetened beverages when our
bodies really need WATER. Grab a water bottle (this one is my favorite) and keep it with you.
Rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces but if that is too
big of a jump, add 1 cup extra (that’s a total of 8 ounces) today and see how
you feel. (Note: if you up your intake drastically you will need to run to the
bathroom more, which will in turn help you with tip #4).
4. Move
throughout the day. This one is especially for all you 1-hour fitness couch
potatoes. You know, those of us who work out really hard 1 hour a day but spend
the rest of the day sitting in a chair? This is not great for your health. Find
ways to get moving. Maybe it’s a short walk on your lunch break. Maybe it’s
petitioning to have a stand up work station. Maybe it’s being creative and
making your own stand up desk. Maybe it’s challenging the office to a 50 air
squats/day challenge. You get the point. Whatever it is, get moving DURING the whole
entire day! Use an app or reminder on your computer or phone
every hour or so to remind you to get up, move, stretch and look away from the
screen! Heck maybe get a fitness tracker to see how many
steps you are really getting each day, you might be shocked.
5. Get
to Bed. Seriously. We are walking zombies and sometimes we need to
go to bed. You need 7 to 9 hours of sleep to be at your optimal health, yowza!
Sleep can help with everything including athletic performance, memory,
behavior, anxiety, weight loss, sex drive and oh so much more. We could all use
a wee bit more beauty rest, so if you are reading this in the dark, in bed, on
your phone, shut it down right now and go to bed, NOW!
these 5 tips are overwhelming to you, that’s okay, start with one and
you will be better today than you were yesterday. Once you’ve put one into
place, start with the next and so on. Small steps can lead to a long-term
lifestyle change. If we try to change everything at once we can get
discouraged, and that is no fun at all.
#wellnesswednesday #acsfacilityservices,
#cleaningforhealth, #community, #culture #companyculture,#thepurplegreenteam,#buildingcommunitythoughculture,#gamification,#greenclean,#acs,#cleaningforhealth,#givingback
#leadership,#service,#teambuilding,#leadership,#PurplecollarEntrepreneur ,
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